Project Description

1934 Divisadero Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
415-309-6608 phone
Nina Raff, Mental Health
No one gets married thinking that they will divorce. We enter into love relationships with high hopes and plans. It can be devastating when it goes south. Nina Raff, LCSW has been a psychotherapist for over 30 years helping people with transitions and change. The collaborative approach to resolving differences puts you in charge of how that transition will proceed and how you will make that change. Nina particularly likes this team approach because it facilitates healing and maintaining important ongoing connections.
In addition to Collaborative Practice SF, Nina belongs to Collaborative Practice California and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. She is a volunteer with Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center and has in the past worked for Kids’ Turn. Nina also works for Kaiser Permanente and has an office in SF on Divisadero Street.
Nina is an individual and couple therapist as well as a mediator and collaborative coach. She has studied and consulted and trained continually since she received her MSW from Cal Berkeley in 1988. Nina has extensive experience treating addictions including both the individual with addiction and family members affected. She also has substantial interest and experience working with LGBTQ families and individuals. She welcomes you to her practice.