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Law and Mediation Practice
PO Box 302
Brisbane, CA  94005
Katherine Shlaudeman, JD

For over sixteen years, Katherine Shlaudeman has been helping couples and individuals with their family law matters, including separations and divorces, the dissolution of non-marital relationships, child custody disputes, complex property and support matters, and premarital, postmarital, and cohabitation agreements. Her services include mediation and traditional representation as well as Collaborative Practice. Regardless of the process, she is committed to helping her clients make informed decisions and direct their own outcomes. Katherine is a volunteer mediator for the San Francisco Superior Court, past Chair of the Family Law Section of the Bar Association of San Francisco, and a Legislative Liaison to the Family Law Executive Committee of the State Bar of California. She serves on the Board of Directors of Collaborative Practice San Francisco and is a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. She was a guest on a segment of Chuck Finney's "Your Legal Rights" radio show devoted to Collaborative Practice in family law and has been a presenter for the State Bar of California and Bar Association of San Francisco on mediation, premarital agreements, and tax issues. Katherine graduated Phi Beta Kapp and with distinction from Stanford University. She received her J.D. from U.C Berkeley School of Law and an LLM in Tax Law from Golden Gate University. She has lived and worked in South America and speaks fluent Spanish.