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925 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 102B
Walnut Creek, CA  94596
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P.O. Box 5192
Walnut Creek, CA  94596
Stuart Lord, MA, LMFT
Collaborative Coach and Child Specialist

Stuart Lord has been a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 1981. For more than twenty years, he was a Mediator, Evaluator, and Child Custody Recommending Counselor with Family Court Services of the Contra Costa County Superior Court. Although his primary focus has been working with adults and children struggling with the pain and turmoil associated with separation and divorce, he taught at Head Start and at a day treatment program for young children with serious emotional, behavioral, and developmental issues, including autism. Additionally, he has worked in residential and out-patient psychiatric treatment facilities with adults, adolescents, and children and has conducted psychotherapeutic and psycho-educational support groups for children and adults. He has been a community mediator and a private family therapy consultant. In his current private practice he offers, in addition to Collaborative Practice Coaching, Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy, Co-Parenting Counseling, Child Custody Mediation, and Consultation for parents and attorneys involved in child custody evaluations, recommending mediations, and child custody litigation.