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Leininger Divorce Planning Services
5776 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 115
Pleasanton, CA  94588
3402 Hall Lane
Lafayette, CA  94549
Natalie A. Leininger, CFP, CDFA
Financial Professional

Natalie Leininger, CFP®, CDFA is a Certified Financial Planner® in practice since 1989 and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst since 2000. She is active in Collaborative Practice, working with the Collaborative team since 2000 in the role of a financial neutral. When working as a financial neutral on the collaborative team, Natalie helps to educate the clients about the short-term and obvious, and the long-term and not so obvious financial results of suggested financial settlement options. Natalie is an active member of Collaborative Practice East Bay, Collaborative Practice Group of San Mateo County as well as the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.