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North Star Mediation
1061 Eastshore Highway, Suite 201
Albany, CA  94710
Meghan Lang, JD

Meghan Lang works as a collaborative professional, mediator, conflict coach, and consulting attorney in Albany. She received her bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and her JD from the UCLA Public Interest Law and Policy Program. She specializes in helping people in emotionally complex relationships navigate challenging conversations, including premarital and cohabitation agreements, the dissolution of marriage and domestic partnerships, and co-parenting agreements. Meghan believes that every conflict is an opportunity to enhance understanding, improve communication, and repair relationships.

Meghan is a member of the State Bar of California, the Bar Association of San Francisco, Alameda County Bar Association, and the Berkeley-Albany Bar Association. She also a Steering Committee member of Collaborative Practice East Bay (CPEB), the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP), and the Association for Dispute Resolution of Northern California. Meghan volunteers as a mediator and coach with SEEDS Community Resolution Center in Berkeley, where she also serves on the Board of Directors.