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Andrew M. Lamden, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Kentfield. Drew has over 26 years experience working as a psychotherapist with teens, children, families, adults and couples. He works with individuals in counseling and psychotherapy. He specializes in work with families going through divorce as a therapist, mediator, Collaborative Divorce Coach and Child Specialist, Child Custody Evaluator, Court Appointed Special Master (recently renamed to “Parent Coordinator”), and co-parenting counselor. He has worked as a Clinician and on the School Services staff at the Center for the Family in Transition, with Drs. Judith Wallerstein and Janet Johnston. He is Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Northern California Mediation Center. He is the Director of Schools Program, and provides clinical supervision for Community Institute for Psychotherapy. He also provides clinical supervision for Apple Family Center, and is Clinical Consultant to A Home Within. He has developed and conducted student and parent groups in the schools, and consults to attorneys, various schools, mental health training programs, clinics, crisis and family court settings. He is also co-coordinator of the Marin Teen Mental Health Board. He is on the Clinical Faculty at Langley Porter, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UCSF.