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2950 Camino Diablo, Suite 120
Walnut Creek, CA  94597
23 Altarinda Road, Suite 222
Orinda, CA  94563
Debbie Katz, MFT
Collaborative Coach and Child Specialist

In private practice for over 20 years, I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Walnut Creek. I work with a variety of clients including children, families, and adults. In the Collaborative Divorce process I work with families as a Coach and Child Specialist.

I have worked for many years with families going through divorce. In the past, I have worked for Contra Costa Superior Court as a Family Court Services mediator. I have also worked as a private court appointed recommending mediator. While I no longer do this type of work, I have found this experience helpful to clients and their families as they go through this very difficult and challenging time. In addition to working in a collaborative team process, I also work as a confidential child custody mediator, co-parenting counselor and with individual clients who are going through a non collaborative process and need specialized support in this area.