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Gordon Family Law
1919 Addison Street #201
Berkeley, CA  94704
Amanda Gordon, JD

Amanda concentrates on all aspects of Divorce and Family law including spousal and child support, parentage and custody matters, drafting pre- and post-marital agreements, and serving as a consulting attorney for mediation.

Amanda is a Bay Area native, growing up in Palo Alto and attending Castilleja High School. She graduated from Wesleyan University and attended Santa Clara University School of Law where she graduated magna cum laude (top 5% of her class).

Prior to opening her own practice, Amanda worked as Deputy County Counsel for the County of Santa Clara in the Health & Hospital Section and for other established Family Law firms in San Francisco.

Amanda is currently the Co-Chair of the Barrister's Family Law Section of the San Francisco Bar Association. In 2015, Amanda was awarded Outstanding Volunteer by the San Francisco Bar Association. Amanda is committed to community impact work.

On the weekends, Amanda spends her time hiking and co-parenting a poorly behaved puppy named Griffin.