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Topel & DiStasi Wealth Management
2907 Claremont Ave., Suite 111
Berkeley, CA  94705
Gavin DiStasi, CDFA
Financial Professional

For couples going through a divorce, the process can be extremely difficult, and assessing the various settlement options, without the requisite financial expertise can be daunting. Since many of the decisions made about the division of assets are difficult, if not impossible to change once the divorce is final, it is imperative to be fully informed of the short and long-term consequences of potential settlement alternatives, so that the family has the best chance of protecting its financial stability going forward. At Topel & DiStasi Wealth Management, with our vast experience in personal financial planning, our team can apply the same rigorous approach we use for our comprehensive planning process, to your divorce case, in order to provide you and your family with the confidence to move past this difficult and uncertain time, and get on with your lives. Gavin DiStasi, CES, CDFA®, is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional, A Certified Estate and Trust Specialist, a member of the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts, and an associate member of Collaborative Practice East Bay.