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Ann Cerney, a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, specializes in guiding and supporting individuals to make sustainable decisions for themselves and their families before, during, and after divorce. She is an experienced co-parenting counselor, collaborative divorce coach, child specialist, and parenting coordinator.
Ann began her clinical career in southeast Asia as an intern in a psychiatric clinic. In the Chicago area, Ann worked in community mental health, private psychotherapy practice, hospital emergency department and intensive outpatient assessment and admissions. Ann’s approach is based on exploring values, influenced by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, understanding personal development layered with emerging work in epigenetics, and positive psychology. Strongly influenced by Eastern philosophy and mindfulness practices, Ann’s professional and personal experience with divorce has taught her that it is a multi-faceted, long-lasting opportunity for personal growth. Ann’s goal when working with clients is to empower them to make decisions with integrity, which will serve them and their loved ones for years to come. It is her firm belief that a bi-nuclear family can not only survive but, depending on those involved, can thrive.
Ann has been a member of the Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois as a collaborative divorce coach and child specialist in the Chicago area since 2006. Along with an interdisciplinary team, Ann founded Trainers for the Advancement of Collaborative Practice in Chicago, which developed and provided training to attorneys, financial specialists, and mental health professionals in the Midwest. She is happy to join the northern California practice groups of San Francisco, Marin and Sonoma Counties.