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Law Offices of Thomas G. Borst, Inc.
18 Crow Canyon Ct, Suite 300
San Ramon, CA  94583
Thomas G. Borst, JD

I have been practicing law since 1989, virtually all of which has been devoted to family law, first as a litigator, then mediation, and beginning in 2004, collaboration. My current practice is comprised of all three models. I believe it is important for every client to understand each of the three available paths to resolving their divorce, and then pick the model that best suits their particular situation. My preference is to resolve issues outside of court. When clients and their attorneys make a commitment to do that, which is the hallmark of a collaborative divorce case, the clients are best able to maintain control over their lives and the outcome of the issues in their divorce. While collaborative divorce can be exceedingly challenging, I have found it to be the most rewarding work I have done as a family law attorney. I grew up in the East Bay and received my undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley and law degree from Golden Gate University. I currently live in Oakland with my wife and daughter. Len Weiler and I have been law partners since 1999. Our office has been in San Ramon since 1990. I have been an active member (treasurer and steering committee currently) of our local collaborative practice group (now Collaborative Practice East Bay) and a member of The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals since 2004. I have been a member of our three local bar associations, Contra Costa County, Alameda County, and Eastern Alameda County, for the last 19 years. I have served on the Board of The Eastern Alameda County Bar Association since 1994 and am a Past President (1999). I also joined the Board at my daughter’s school in May 2007 and have very much enjoyed the challenges that presents.