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Karen Heller Berdy practices family law as a sole practitioner with offices in Walnut Creek, California and Pleasanton, California. Her practice currently focuses on representing family law clients in mediation, collaborative law and other settlement oriented dispute resolution processes. Karen has been practicing law since 1980 and has handled primarily family law matters since 1994. Prior to 1994, Karen was a real estate and corporate transactional attorney, first with Morrison and Foerster in their San Francisco office and then with Feldman, Waldman and Kline in their San Francisco office. Karen received her bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in Cambridge, MA in 1976, and received her JD and MBA degrees from Columbia University in New York, NY in 1980. Karen is a founding member of the Collaborative Law Association of Contra Costa (currently serving as the chairperson) and the Collaborative Practice Group of Contra Costa (currently serving on the steering committee). She is also a member of the Alliance of Collaborative Professionals of the East Bay, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, the Northern California Public Education Committee (Collaborative Practice), the Eastern Alameda County Bar Association (currently serving as a board member) and the Contra Costa County Family Law Section.